Hibernation and Winter Wellness

Have you been hit with flu like symptoms this month?  Do you feel like you are being forced to slow it right down?  Do you feel like sleeping MOST of the time? This could be natures way of showing you that February is the month of hibernation.


I’ve had no energy, I felt completely lethargic and I had no appetite to eat anything nourishing or tasty.  I just wanted to sleep.   I’ve experienced this horrid cold that seems to be doing the rounds and I felt truly awful and down in the dumps.  Until I realised that this is probably what I needed at the moment.  This is a time for me to stop and let everything around me stop.  It felt like I was walking through thick mud each time I tried to be proactive and push myself into work or anything active.

So instead, I ate lots of marmite on toast…because that’s what I was craving!  I took several slow and short walks by the sea.  I had no desire or energy to go pounding up the hilly South Downs.

I also booked in for my Reflexology session where I experienced my feeling of restorative wellbeing.  This is what I need at this time of hibernation.  Even though I still feel the need to keep things slow, my lethargy has lifted and I feel brighter within myself.

After having Reflexology, I feel clearer in my mind and I think about what other simple self care rituals I can do for myself.   I take a bath with Geranium and Orange foam oil.  I read, I listen to pod casts, I lie back and visualise how I want things to be when my energy does return.  I make a tasty curry,  I spend time huddled next to my kids and tell them that I love them.  These are all small things but they go a long way to helping me feel well and clear the way for spring.  I feel more alive and able to get things done.

St. Valentines Day, not only a day to remind us to show love to each other, but to remind us to show love to ourselves.  Self care is as important as the care that we show to others.

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I feel that St. Valentines Day is perfectly placed in what I think is the harshest month of the year.  Even though the days are getting brighter, we are still in the depths of winter and the weather can certainly show its darker stormy side.  It’s a day to brighten up an otherwise dark month.  The origins of St. Valentines day are from the Romans.  They had a festival called Lupercalia in the middle of February – officially the start of their springtime.

So if you are feeling low and lethargic during this slow time of year, look to the small things that make you feel happy and well.

Book yourself in for a Reflexology treatment, to help improve your wellbeing, you will feel brighter and lighter.  Make Reflexology part of your self care routine.

To book your Reflexology session call Jane on 07734 695 964, email jane@calmtherapy.co.uk or visit www.calmtherapy.co.uk